2020 Reading Goals

Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a nice start to 2020, and that your reading is going well, as ever. I’ve had fun putting together my reading resolutions for 2020, and it’s mad to think that we’re now entering a new decade! A few days ago I posted all about my reading in 2019 and although my to-read list on Goodreads is approaching slightly terrifying heights and the unread books on my shelf just never seem to actually go down, I’m excited to get stuck into reading this year.

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2018 Reading Wrap-Up

Welcome to my list of my favourite books of 2018. That’s me, holding up three of my faves in the bookshop I work in, because I’m in charge of the social media there, so I like to do stupid things like get people to choose their favourite books of the year.


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Mid-Year Bookish Resolutions

Hello! If there’s one thing I love more than anything else, it’s making a list. And what are bookish resolutions if not wonderful long lists? Back in January and March, I outlined my bookish goals for the upcoming year, and I thought it would be fun to see where I am, and how I’m doing in my goal to expand my reading.

Bookish Resolution #1: read 100 books

Easy. I’ve already read 70 books – although I feel like a lot of them have been fairly small! – so I will definitely manage 100 by the end of the year. Conversely, I would actually like to slow down my reading a little – speeding through loads of books isn’t something I particularly enjoy, so I’m going to make an effort to read a little less and maybe binge on Netflix a little more. (I haven’t even started Kimmy Schmidt!!)

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A Love Letter to… Reading Lists

I just graduated with a degree in English Literature and History. Essays, exams and juggling time commitments aside, what that really means is four years of prescribed reading lists – dedicating whole semesters to reading books only by American women; months to ploughing through a never-ending series of books about the sixteenth century. I loved (nearly) every minute of it and I unexpectedly discovered some real favourites during my four years of constant reading, but after four years of unopened books piling up in the corner of my room, it’s a relief to finally find myself free to read whatever, whoever I like. Well, until my MLitt starts.



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